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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AEROSMITH.... Back together! :)

 photo courtesy of

Unless you've been under a rock or from another planet this past year, you've probably heard of Aerosmith taking a "break" from each other.  Needless to say, between injuries during concerts, shifting priorities and creative differences, the "hiatus" seems inevitable for bands that have been around this long.  I've always been amazed on how bands such as Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Rush, and all these guys lasted for over 30+ years.  So for Tyler and Perry to call a "break", it seemed very normal in the music industry.  Hell, even Led Zeppelin couldn't keep it together!

Perry tweeted, "Steven and I text all of the time. He's my brother in arms, just like Brad, Joe, and Tom. Everything else is a rumor."

And, on Twitter today, Tyler tweeted this:
"AeroFreaks rejoice.. Joe and I sent smoke signals, shot the shit and chewed the fat for the last year, but just smoked the peace pipe for an hour today. On our way to rockin' your fkin worlds this summer by locking ourselves away somewhere w/guitars and drums.."
photos courtesy of &

So what does that mean?... that after a year of a supposedly band breakup, we get this awesome news that they have never actually separated ways, and that they will be writing new materials this summer!!!! HOLY FTW!

I do have one tiny request for the gang:

Rock On, DC!


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