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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2010 DC101 Chili Cook-off

photo courtesy of

And the countdown begins for the 2010 DC101 Chili Cook-off, which will be held this Saturday, May 22, at the RFK Stadium grounds, easily accessible via the Metro Train blue line Stadium-Armory stop (lets keep our fingers crossed for minimal metro delays this weekend). The annual event usually signifies the beginning of unforgettable summer concerts in the DC Area and really isn't your typical chili cook-off cookout. Premiere bands such as Stone Temple Pilots and Alice and Chains will be headlining, with a collection of new rock acts like Anberlin, Switchfoot, and Caged Elephant gracing the stage earlier that day. I'm not a fan of these opening bands, but I guess I'll be tasting the chilis during their sets.

I believe there are four ways to get tickets; RFK box office, win them from the station, at the gate, or through ticketmaster (where you basically pay double just to cover "service fees"... I'm going to write about this live nation / ticketmaster insane monopoly shtick at a later time). Anyway, the cost of getting them at the gate is almost the same as the ticketmaster route, so I'll be opting to get them there. As far as weather, I hear there's a chance of some rain this weekend, but rain or shine, who cares...I'll be there. Hey, its the start of the summer concerts in DC, right? I wouldn't miss this for the world! Some items prohibited at the event include backpacks, umbrellas and cameras with detachable lenses, which means I'm going to have to settle for my point and shoot camera to photograph the show. If you need more info on the event such as a list of prohibited items, parking info, band start times, etc... please go here.

Doors will be opening at noon, with the first band playing around 12:45pm. I'll see you crazy DC music lovers out there... and really look out for an awesome line-up of concerts in the area this summer. I'm already excited for the 98rock M3 festival in June and that's a good month away!

...rock on! \m/


niki m. said...

I like it - I'll meet you there =)

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